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Children's Tools

Gardening is getting more and more popular with children, it is actively encouraged at most schools, so what better way to fuel their enthusiasm that getting them their own tools to use at home.

Growing your own fruit and vegetables is a brilliant activity for children and you may also find that they are more willing to try the dreaded 'greens' if they have helped grow it themselves!

We have a range of children's tools that are designed for the smaller gardener - so don't do all the hard work yourself - get the kids to help!

Reasons To Buy
  • High Quality Children's Tools
  • Strong & Tough - Made To Last
  • Durable Gloves To Protect Young Hands
  • Handy Child Sized Watering Can
  • Great To Encourage Children To Garden
Exclusive designed & made by us in the UK
Exclusive designed &
made by us in the UK