Green Manure Seeds - Mustard White (Vicia alba) Green Manure Seeds - Mustard White (Vicia alba)

For indoor sowings or green manuring.Can be sown indoors, like cress, throughout the year, harvested in just 4-6 days and used in salads and sandwiches OR sown outdoors in summer and autumn, as a green manure, solely for cutting and digging into the top 15cm (6") of soil when frost kills the tops. Green manures:• Prevent soil erosion.• Assist in humus formation.• Act as a storehouse for plant foods.• Benefit soil organisms & earthworms.White - Delicious to eat like cress and also good as a green manure at preventing rainfall leaching the nutrients in the soil. Coverage 42m² (50 sq yards). Full instructions are provided on every packet. Green manures, traditionally grown during summer and autumn, are grown solely for cutting and digging into the top 15cm (6") of soil. The natural way to soil fertility. Prevent soil erosion. Assist in humus formation. Act as a storehouse for plant foods. Benefit soil organisms and earthworms.

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Dobies Green Manure Seeds - Mustard White (Vicia alba) £2.95